February 1, 2008

Tribute to President and Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley

Posted in Teachings of the Living Prophets, Videos tagged , , at 11:37 am by Hdiddy

 For anyone who would like to watch the funeral services for President Hinckley, who passed away on the evening of January 27, they will be broadcast Febraury 2nd at 11:00am MST via BYUTV (see www.byubroadcasting.org) and the Internet (see www.lds.org/broadcast).

Gordon B. Hinckley was not only a Prophet, and the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but he was also just an amazing man.  He served every day of his life to its fullness.  He was an example to all those around him.  I love him and I have a testimony that he was a prophet of God, and he will be greatly missed.